Nachfolgend finden Sie Zitate aus den Referenzen, die meine Kunden aus Interim Management und Consulting nach Abschluss unserer Zusammenarbeit gaben.
Ausführliche Referenzen auf Nachfrage.
Zitate aus persönlichen Referenzen:
"Work has been delivered at very high standard and good quality. You have integrated very well in the team and supported our business while is undergoing restructuring activities which led to heavy workloads and uncertainties. Your professionalism is helping us through this challenging and formative moment." Feedback Jun 2013
"Mark helped us to to structure our project and give us the miles stone in order to turn it into a success" Feedback Oct 2013
"Appreciate how easy Mark has integrated within the organization. Always available and approachable. Knowledgeable. If there is a point to be clarified, was highly appreciated the immediate review of books and texts to make sure everything was covered properly. By understanding client culture and objectives will always make the services rendered as expected..." Feedback Aug 2014
"Great" Feedback Aug 2016
"...have gone above and beyond demonstrating great leadership in a complex and critical divestiture... Despite this added work during Q4, the team was able to close the year in time, manage an incremental tax audit and improve the quality and compliance level." Feedback December 2017
"Mercy" Feedback 2019
"Schön, dass Du den Übergang in der FiBu ... begleitet hast und in dieser verrückten Zeit unser Kollege und Ansprechpartner warst."
"Ohne dein Durchhaltevermögen und deine konsitente Performance wäre uns der Erfolg im Bereich der Jahresabschlüsse sicher nicht möglich gewesen."
"Dass Sie sich so durch das Projekt gebissen haben ... werde ich Ihnen nie vergessen."
Feedback während diverser Projekte 2020-2021
"I greatly value the expertise and professionalism you brought to our project."
Feedback 2023
Nach der Ausführung eines Auftrages sind wir dankbar für ein ehrliches Feedback unserer Kunden. Wir haben diesbezüglich eine Kundenzufriedenheitsumfrage entwickelt, die wir nach Ausführung eines jeden Auftrags versenden. Die Ergebnisse dieses Feedback zu unserer Kompetenz und Leistung wird hier anonymisiert (in der englischen Sprache) veröffentlicht.
The data was last updated in Dezember 2017 and includes 24 separate consulting projects.
How thorough and effective was our project planning? | 4,3 **** |
How effective was the relationship between yout team and ours? (rapport, trust, frankness, etc.) How well did we understand and adopt the culture and needs of your organisation? | 4,9 ***** |
How successful were we achieving the project deadlines? | 4,4 **** |
How would you rate the knowledge of our consultant(s) relevant to the needs of this project? | 4,5 ***** |
How well do you feel that the project met it defined objectives (as outlined in original proposal)? | 4,6 ***** |
How do you rate the overall benefits of this project to your organisation? | 4,5 ***** |
Taking all this factors into account, together with any other thoughts you may have, how would you rate our overall performance to this assignement? | 4,6 ***** |
Full details of the response scale in our Client Satisfaction Questionnaire are as follows:
1. Very poor (*)
2. Below average, some significant shortcomings (**)
3. Around average (***)
4. Above average, generally exceeded expectations (****)
5. Very good, outstanding (*****)
100% of client respondent would encourage and refer us for future projects from their experience of our performance.